The Acropolis and Parthenon contain the ruins of the Sanctuary of Aphrodite. In the Acropolis museum is Aphrodite of Knidos or the Capitoline Venus ( 350BC).I A reconstruction of the Parthenon’s Pediments show over 360 carved figures and the battle between Athena and Neptune.
In the National Archaeological Museum is Aphrodite of Knidos or the Capitoline Venus ( 350BC).It is the first life-sized figure of a naked female and shows the Goddess preparing for the ritual bath which restored purity. Another interesting statue show Aphrodite with Pan and Eros, 100BC. She holds her sandal as a threat to ward off the erotic advances of Pan. The Shell Motif appears in many decorative objects such as containers and pre-historic jewellery.
A dramatic early classical statue of Poseidon/Neptune dates to 460BC.